Importing product attributes and specifications

Got attribute and specification data for your products? Use this template to import them.

To help you get your data into Gocious faster we have provided a helpful, easy to use data import facility. Take your existing product attribute and specification data and put it into our simple template structure and save yourself the time of having to re-type it all back in.

Click to download the Product Specification Data Import CSV template

You can select to import your product data at any time from inside a Product Line by navigating to the Product Line Options Matrix and clicking on the menu to the left of the Product Matrix.

image (7)

A summary of the data import is provided after the import has completed. The summary will give you a initial view of what was imported. Clicking on the file name of the import will give you a more detailed breakdown of the import and any errors that may have occurred.

Some helpful notes:

  • Save your import file as comma separated value filetype (.csv)
  • Ensure coding is UTF-8 for best import results
  • Import errors do happen. Fix the file and re-import it.
  • Re-importing existing information is fine, Gocious will only create new items when they do not already exist. Existing product attribute and specification data will be updated with the latest contained inside the new import file.